Monday everyone seemed gung-ho to workout so off we went to do our lunch time strength workout. I changed up the workout to add in a few things. Not all were appreciated. Specifically the up-down planks.
1A Bridges w/leg lift (10)Except I skipped the push-ups and just watched everyone else. 100 the day before was plenty, thank you. Speaking of push-ups, I think I'm going to have to scale back the push-up progression. I've got several people in the class who can't do one push-up with good form and after a few they start to complain their lower back is hurting. Time to give them a break and focus more on their abs.
1B Seated Twist w/Dumbbell (10)
1C Rope Climber Crunches (10)
2A Flys
Chest (10, on floor)
Shoulder (10, standing)
Reverse (10, bent over)
2B Single leg dumbbell deadlifts (10)
3A Up-Down Planks (8)
3B Leg Lifts (10 each side)
Push-Ups (Week 2, Day 1 -
Do you have a favorite move that works your abs?
I wasn't able to get in a cardio workout in the evening which I was a bit bummed out about. However, I replaced it with at trip to the PT and then dinner with some of my running club buddies. It was nice to see people and feel like part of the group again.
Maggie posted a link on Facebook to this blog post about how running changes you. I read it last night and found so much of it to be true for me.
Five years ago I had to make a deal with myself to do 100 workouts of any kind. Five years ago I was excited if I managed to run for 20 minutes straight on the treadmill. Now, here I am, bummed that I CAN'T run. Bummed out that I wasn't able to squeeze in a sweaty cardio session.
Running also brought me a social life. I went out to dinner with friends on a Monday night. Never did that in the past.
Five years ago I wouldn't have thought this would be me. Leading other people in strength training workouts. Feeling sad that I missed a cardio session. Trying a new restaurant with friends. I guess running really does change you.