May Days Training Week 4: February 22nd - February 28th
Feb 22nd
Decided to run my 5 mile tempo run on the treadmill. Kicked some serious tempo-butt.
Feb 23
Skipped the lunch time run due to an afternoon meeting and then skipped the gym due to some shin pain that flared up randomly. Felt grumpy (and worried!) all evening.
Feb 24
Decided to go to my Hi/Lo aerobics class and see how my shin held up. Started off with some ab work first.
25 minutes of strength training with Abs focus
Reverse Woodchop: 10 @ 15 lbs x2 each side
Side Woodchop: 10 @ 15 lbs x2 each side
Woodchop: 10 @ 15 lbs x2 each side
Chest press w/leg raise: 10 @ 5lbs each leg
Stability ball crunches: 20
Stability Ball Oblique Crunches: 20
Also used the foam roller on my shin and calf before class. I love Hi/Lo. One of my favorite things is to watch the other people and see if they have rhythm or not. The "nots" amaze me. Rhythm and 8 counts are such second nature to me by now (6 years of percussion and dance) that many times I don't even have to pay attention if we're doing a song I know by heart. But, there's always at least one person in class who is totally off beat. Fascinating.
Feb 25
4.5 mile run at lunch that felt really good. No major pain anywhere which is definitely good. Went to the gym after work for some weights.
40 minutes of strength training with Biceps focus.
Seated Row: 15 @ 35 lbs x2
Seated Arm Curl: 12 @ 30lbs; 20 @ 20 lbs
Elastic Curl with Twist: 15 w/green band x2
Wide Arm Elastic Curl: 15 w/green band
Push Up (Wide Hand): 14; 12
Seated Back Extension: 20 @ 60 lbs; 15 @ 70 lbs
Elastic Front Raise: 15 w/green band
Seated Leg Press: 20 @ 55 lbs; 20 @ 60 lbs
Adductor: 20 @ 50 lbs; 20 @ 110 lbs
Horizontal Calf Raise: 20 @ 30 lbs
Ball Crunch: 20
Crunch w/Legs In: 20
Reverse Crunch: 20
Bicycle Maneuver: 15
Ball Side Oblique Crunch: 15
Bridge with Legs Down: 10 seconds
Bridge with Heel Lifts: 10 each side
Bridge with Leg Raise: 10 seconds each side
Some moron at the gym who apparently didn't want to do his or her job entered all my reps as "9" into the database. Good thing I have an awesome memory and can pretty much remember what I *actually* did on Thursday night. Irritating.
Also, I've decided that I think I could do more push-ups if my wrists didn't hurt so bad while doing them. I have tendinitis in my right wrist and it just aches after about 6 push-ups. Any suggestions on how to take some of the strain off my wrist?
I added the Bridges to the end of my workout. I like Bridges.
Feb 26
Rest Day...although we did walk the mile round-trip to the grocery store.

Feb 27
Another rest day. I thought about doing some yoga but decided not to do something unusual the day before a race. However, I did spend over two hours dusting, scrubbing, and vacuuming surfaces in the house. I wouldn't say that was usual behavior...
Feb 28
Race day! And what a day it was. 3.1 miles of laying it all out there.
Total running mileage: 12.6
Sure, it's not the 20.5 I was expecting, but I'll take it. I'll definitely take it.
Also, I know it's only Monday but I'm expecting the week to just get better from here. I mean, a PR, a medal, AND I won Erica's One More Mile giveaway! I asked for this:

I promise to wear it on a Monday night group run. Those running snobs can laugh all they want. I don't care :-)
sounds like a great week! congrats on the win!
erin!!! congrats!!!!!!! you had an awesome race and i loved your photos. you got some great ones!!!!!!
also-- LOVE that shirt. great week and have a good one going forward :) momentum!!
That is an awesome shirt. Love it! Have you thought about seeing a trainer about your shin? That pain is so awful.
I love that t-shirt! :D Wrist issues, my only suggestion is wrapping it up before pushups. That might help it be a tad more stable and able to take the pressure.
Love that shirt! So cute!
The new shirt is so cute!
LOL, you would LOVE to see my in class - no rhythm at all! But also, no shame ;)
I am struggling with my crunch form on the exercise ball. Should my legs be at 90 degrees to the floor, and just the small of my back on the ball (well, plus my back)? I am doing them with flys (handweights... I mean) and I am not feeling it.
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