So, I started this blog to write about all my running training. I don't usually put the non-running stuff here. I actually have a different blog for that. I'm kind of anal retentive and like to keep the two things separate. But I wonder if those of you who read this but don't read my other blog (if you want to know what it is, by the way, email me and I'll send you the link) or follow me on Facebook (want to do that? Let me know) ever wish I posted less about my running and more about just me in general.
I've thought about including one post a week that would be more of an "Erin as a person" post instead of an "Erin as a runner" post. I decided that I'd try it out this week since Kate tagged me for a little book meme. Hey, it fits with my run to the library on Wednesday at least!
Here's the scoop:
You have to come up with 15 books you’ve read at some point during your life that have always stuck with you. Don’t think about it too much — write down the first 15 you can recall in no more than 15 minutes, then tag a few people to do the same thing. Here are my 15:
1. Wait Til Helen Comes
2. Goodnight, Mr. Tom
3. Hideaway
4. Hearts in Atlantis
5. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
6. Nine and a Half Weeks
7. Interview with a Vampire
8. Slam Book
9. Just As Long As We're Together
10. The Cider House Rules
11. Flowers in the Attic
12. The Glass Castle
13. The Silence of the Lambs
14. Stiff
15. The Poisonwood Bible
Hmmm, there's a lot of books on that list that I read when I was a kid. Apparently I was a very impressionable child!
As for tagging, I'll leave that up to you. If you want to do this, great! But as I'm never sure who is actually reading me on a regular basis, I hate to make a list.
Also, I've been remiss in my blogger duties! A while back, Will Eat for Comfort gave me a blogging award! I just kept forgetting to post it and pass it on. I apologize that I'm just getting to it now.

Now, it seems, I need to do the following:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Check
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Hmmmm. I admit I'm sort of a shy blogger and I feel strange giving the award to anyone who I haven't interacted with on a regular basis. So, even though I know I'm supposed to give it out to 15 newly discovered blogs, I'm going to break the rules and give it to one of my favorite bloggers, Holly! Her blog is so lovely that it inspired me to fly all the way to California to run a half-marathon with her even though we've never met in person.
So, what do you think? Should I stick to keeping the non-running stuff out of here? Or should Fridays become Non-Running Fun Days over here at Eri-thon? Hey, Fridays are my rest days anyway!
And if you're just here to read about the running, come back later this weekend for the Skirtchaser 5K race report! Race time is 5:00 PM Central Time on Saturday the 13th. Keep your fingers crossed that I can make it a new PR (personal record)!
Feel free to add in more about yourself, it let's us know you a little more! Rest day fridays are the perfect excuse to fit it in.
I blog about whatever I want. It's your blog afterall. I like to read about random stuff too.
I don't even know if I could come up with 15 books! Do you still read a lot now? I wish I did. Now I just read blogs.
I need to get the address for your other site from you. I guess I didn't even realize you had one! I like to combine all of my posts into one blog, because I don't feel like I have the time for two! :) I would love some different Fridays here though! :)
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