A story of going from being a non-runner to planning for a marathon in three years...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weekly Workout Wround Up

May Days Training Week 10: April 5th - April 11th

Wow. When I said I was going to this week a little bit easier I apparently wasn't kidding. This week was pretty low mileage and even less working out, partially because of the chest cold I was fighting and partially because my life just got busy. Doesn't mean I was a total slug, though! I still got in three good runs. One of which was the 5K race in which I got another personal best!

Apr 5

Ran the usual 5.5 mile route with the running group. Although I felt like a total slug for the whole thing, I think it was one of my fastest 5.5 mile runs ever. I guess the reason I felt like it was hard is because I was actually running hard!

Apr 6

Didn't get a chance to run at lunch due to a presentation I was giving. And after work, instead of running or going to the gym, I was stuffing race packets for the 5K race on Sunday.

That's me in the white shirt on the right

It was quite the assembly line. By the time I got home I was more than ready to collapse.

Apr 7

Normally I would have done some strength training and gone to my aerobics class on Wednesday but when my husband told me he needed to take a nap so that he could start working on something for work at 11:30PM the idea of a nap after work sounded SO much better. So, I conked out for two hours. It was glorious. Honestly, the only reason I got out of bed was to make dinner. I guess sometimes your body just needs some down time.

Apr 8

After resting for two days in a row I felt as though my cough was finally behind me. Again, I wasn't able to run at lunch due to work so instead of going to the gym I decided to run after work. I did 4.7 miles in an amazing time. I paid for it the next day, though. I woke up achy and coughing out what I think was the last of the gunk in my lungs.

Apr 9

There is no rest for the wicked, however. Friday night I walked at least a mile to help hang No Parking signs along the 5K race course. It was quite fun and although the weather got a little chilly toward the end we couldn't have asked for a nicer evening.

Apr 10

Normally Saturdays are my long run days but because I was running a 5K race the next day I was free to volunteer to staff race packet pick-up. Packet pick-up can be a little chaotic and this was no exception. However, we finally got the system down and I was in a groove.

Packet pick-up was being held at the store where we start our Monday night runs. So, instead of paying for parking I just hoofed it to the store and then home again when I was done. Total walking mileage? Just under 3 miles round-trip.

Apr 11

The Race That's Good For Life 5K brought me another 5K PR and the realization that if I can figure out my pacing I am thisclose to getting under 25 minutes. It also brought me a slight twinge in my right groin area but I think that's due to not stretching enough after running so hard.

Total running mileage: 13.3

This upcoming week I have 26.5 miles on the schedule. That may end up being more like 23 miles since I don't like to run three days in a row and I have a lunch meeting on Tuesday. Plus, you may have noticed that this weekly summary is lacking in strength training. Yeah, I don't want to go two weeks in a row without it. So, stay tuned to see how I juggle work, running, and the gym!


kristen said...

WooHoo on the 5k PR. That's awesome. Congratualtions!

Jessica (Bayjb) said...

Way to go on the race and volunteering. be careful of the twinge! I hope that was just a one-time thing.

kilax said...

What an exhausting week with all of the volunteering! It was so nice of you to help out so much. Did anyone else (because the coordinators) help that much?

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