The Husband and I drove about three hours this weekend to visit my parents. My parents still live in my hometown area and although they don't live near the places I used to run on a regular basis, they do live near some places I like to run. And since I had a 10 mile run on the schedule I was happy about that!
Traveling always throws off my schedule a little bit. So when I woke up Saturday morning and dragged myself out of bed I really wasn't feeling like going for a run. Especially not a 10 mile run. But, I just told myself that it didn't have to be fast. I could go as slow as I wanted.
Plus, the sun was shining and even though it was windy and in the upper 40s, it was perfect running weather.
So, I pulled on my new capris, a short sleeved top and a long sleeved top, cued up my running playlist on my iPhone, and headed out the door.
And then something weird happened. My legs took on a mind of their own. I was running. I wasn't thinking about it at all. Before my run I'd been thinking about stopping to take some pictures of my old stopping grounds, including my old office, but I was afraid to pause lest I disturb the groove I'd found.
So, instead, you get a stock, semi-out-of-date photo of my old office.

I ran past at around the 4 mile mark. It was nice to see all the changes they'd made to the outside of the building since I'd been there last. I also ran past some new stores and restaurants that have gone in the area since I left. Ahh, a run down memory lane :-)
Occasionally I would glance at my Garmin when it would beep at the mile markers. Mainly, though, I was just running on feel alone. And that groove I'd found? Just under a 10 minute mile. It didn't even feel hard!
Just after mile 6 I entered a park for loop around the mile-long path. A huge portion of the park is prairie restoration as pictured at the top of this post. I love running through there. I've run two races that took place partially on that path and it's a great break from the rest of the residential and commercial areas. The change of scenery definitely gave me an energy boost.
At certain points I started counting down how much distance I had left. "Just a 10K" and "Just a 5K" I thought to myself. I think about how long that is in time, too. But, really, the time flew by and before I knew it my Garmin beeped mile 9. As I've been doing on all my long runs I tried to push it for the last mile. I felt a little like puking while pushing it during that last mile. Which I think is weird since I didn't take any water or fuel with me on this run. So, my stomach was empty! Maybe that's why I felt like puking?
And, yes, you read that right. I ran 10 miles (at a sub 10-minute-per-mile pace) with no mid-run water or other fuel. I haven't been taking water or Sports Beans or anything with me and so far I've been fine. Although, when I got back to the house on Saturday I literally had white crusty salt build up around my nose and mouth. I think that's a sign of not drinking enough? Anyway, I'm debating about what I want to do during my half marathon on May 1st. I'm planning to run faster so I might need some fuel mid-way. And if I do, then I'll need water to wash it down with. Decisions, decisions. Either way, I'd better start figuring it out now!
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congrats ! sounds like a "breakthrough" run. i love finding a groove and having a great run like that. wahoo :)
ooh and i was also wondering if you would consider getting rid of your word verification??? i lose a lot of my comments b/c i forget to scroll down and fill it in after i have already written my comment and if i close the page the comment wasn't published. it's just an extra step. if you need it for security tho i totally understand.
What a great run! Yesterday Steven was asking me what your goal is for the half and I told him sub 2:00 and that I knew you would be able to do it because your training has been going so well :)
If you like running in the prairie, you should come run out by our house one (or two or three) weekend(s). We have a ton of forest preserves that are mostly prairie. And some of them have quite long trails. Oh, that one we ran in this summer, which isn't prairie, connects to a super long trail that goes between several forest preserves (the Des Plaines River Trail in orange on the map).
Oh, and I just thought of this - you still thinking about getting a bike? That would be a good bike trail, not that you don't have one right by your house or anything. I have really been thinking about trying a tri lately.
One more thing (epic comment!) Here is a link to the half marathon aid stations. You probably won't need to carry any H2O (unless it is crazy hot). I ended up giving my hydration belt to my parents, mostly full, around mile 8 or so. (Of course, that bit me in the ass when Steven got so dehydrated, but there was a water fountain at 12.5). Now is the time to experiment with food... I have been eating the granola bars during my runs!
Holy crapoli! Great job. You are definitely going to be the pacer for Soldier Field. Cuz this run you just did right here would be my goal!
Sounds like such an amazing run!!! :) ...I can't believe you don't do water or fueling!
I'm a long-time lurker, but since I'm from C-U (and you were literally running in my neighborhood!) I figured I should post...
GREAT run! I think I'm going to modify your route a bit for my 9 miler this weekend. I'm sooo scared since it's my longest distance yet, but your post has inspired me!
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