Don't forget tomorrow (Tuesday) is the last day to enter the giveaway for custom made energy bars!
Feb 21
Monday night's CrossFit consisted of another "as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes" workouts.
We started out by finding the right combination of gear with which to do band assisted pull ups. Then it was on to the workout:
3 assisted pull ups
6 push ups
9 overhead squats (with a PVC pipe)
I think I finished 8 full rounds in the allotted 10 minutes. But my real excitement comes from the fact that I did at least 1 real push up per round! Sometimes I managed 2!
Feb 22
I was actually looking forward to doing a tempo run on the treadmill at the gym on Tuesday, but the doctor told me no.
So instead I rode my bike on the trainer for an hour when I got home from work. Sadly, the bike just doesn't do it for me yet. It's difficult while I'm on it but when I get off I don't feel the same endorphin rush or have the same "I just did something awesome" feeling. Does that change?
Feb 23
Wednesday night's CrossFit workout was a little less intense than usual, possibly because due to making up for the day it was canceled because of the blizzard this was the start of 3 days in a row. So instead of our usual warm-up we just did as many assisted pull ups as we wanted (I did 12 with less assistance than on Monday) and our shoulder mobility exercises.
Then we learned our moves: kettlebell swings, kettlebell goblet squats, and ring rows (which we'd done before).
The workout consisted of three rounds. The first round was 20 of each move, the next round was 15, and the final round was 10. I finished all three rounds in just under 5 minutes.
Feb 24
Bonus CrossFit night! This was our night to make up our blizzard workout. We were told it was going to be a fun night. Turns out it was mostly fun for our trainer. This was an intense workout!
We divided up into two teams of four and each person started on a different exercise: 200 meter row, kettlebell swings, wall balls, or cleans. When the first person on the team was done doing the 200 meter row, we rotated exercises until all of us had rowed 3 times. No set number of reps, just as many as you could do while the rowing person was rowing. We were supposed to count our total reps. I think I did 169 (lack of oxygen leads to some creative counting) and our team finished all three rounds in 14:47.
Feb 25
Last CrossFit night. As promised, we went back to the workout we did on the very first night. 500 meter row, 40 squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, and 10 jumping pull-ups. The first night I finished in 7:22. This night I finished in 6:02 and even did 3 real push-ups. One of the woman in our group knocked almost 5 minutes off her time from the first night. If that's not a testament to CrossFit I don't know what is.

I'm going to miss our crew. Even if I decide to continue with CrossFit (which I haven't decided yet) there's no guarantee I'll see anyone from this group again. And they were a great group.
Feb 26
Saturday's workout consisted of an hour of yoga and a 5K treadmill run just to shake off the rust from a week off.
Feb 27
Frosty Footrace 5K! Just like last year, a PR and a medal followed by a lovely afternoon with friends. No wonder I like this race.
Total mileage: 6.2
Total strength workouts: 4
For a week that started out with me not knowing if I'd be able to run I think it turned out pretty well. Yes, I still have some leg pain but it's manageable and now I have a game plan which makes me feel much better.
And what about those "after" photos I promised when I started CrossFit? Well, I don't know if you can actually tell a difference in the photos (other than those are possibly the most unflattering shorts ever) but I know I can tell a difference when I flex as well as just in my strength in general.