Don't you love it when you can run with friends? I do! And today I got to run with my best friend Kim!
Our husbands spent the day together working on cars so of course I tagged along so I could hang out with Kim. We started our day with a 5 mile run through her neighborhood. Little did we know it was supposed to snow (again!). Thank goodness for YakTrax. Together we tackled the loose, fluffy snow and the hills. Yes, her neighborhood has hills. I admit, I am not used to hills combined with snow and some of the humbled me.
My legs were pretty sore after my Saturday of strength training, running 10 miles, and getting the crap massaged out of me, but running with Kim made those 5 miles fly by. I think we kept up a pretty good pace as well considering the terrain. We averaged 10:22.
Kim and I haven't had a chance to run together for awhile so I admit I was really looking forward to our run. Plus it helped me get in three runs this week when I originally thought I'd stop at two. See, friends really do help!
Afterward we did a yoga DVD to help us stretch out. And then we negated all caloric effects of our workout by eating Chipotle burritos. Mmmmm, burritos.
It was a great way to spend a Sunday. Working out, eating, and chatting? Perfection if you ask me.
Running with Kim by snmnstrz21 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sounds like an awesome day! Good job on getting a hilly run in on less than idea conditions!
I love running with friends. It makes runs FLY by.
I am happy I now have a witness that my neighborhood is hilly. I kind of thought it was all in my head before.
I had so much fun yesterday! I wish we lived closer so we could run together more often :) It's more fun with you, especially in that snow!
(I wonder if we should try to fit in a run this Sunday after the car show? Just a thought :) )
I know for a fact that you two are fun, so I'm sure you had a wonderful time (minus the somewhat adverse conditions).
By the way, do you ever do a long run, tempo, or speedwork day after a weight day? I'm trying to figure out how the heck you fit all the runs in together with the strength training.
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