For this week's long run I had two options:
1. Go to an area arboretum with some people from my running group but run on my own
2. See if I could convince anyone from the usual Saturday morning crew to join me for an 2 miles in addition to our usual route.
Or if all else failed, run the first few miles of the Saturday run with the group but run the last half on my own.
In the end, I went with Option 2. As much as I want to run at "the Arb" (I hear it's beautiful...and hilly) I decided to stay close to home in case my shin started acting up during the run and I needed to call for a ride.
And, thankfully, I convinced several other people (shout-outs to Laura, Jen, Bruce, and Phil!) to go the extra two miles with me. Yay! And my shin didn't hurt at all while running. Double yay!
My training plan had me doing 13 miles at a 9:30 pace. I definitely did at least 13 miles but since my Garmin died at mile 12 because I stupidly forgot to charge it I only have my times for that portion. At least it lasted as long as it did! Anyway, for those 12 miles I did a 9:46 pace. We definitely slowed down around mile 10. Regardless, I think that's pretty good for taking a week off!
In general, the run felt great. When I first started my legs felt like lead (thank you, 55 squats I did on Friday night) but after the first few miles it was a breeze. I had some difficulty deciding what to wear (27oF, breezy and sunny) and thought I would be too hot in my tights, short sleeved top, long sleeved top and jacket but ended up being just fine. 13 miles is definitely fuel-belt territory so I took some water and some Honey Stinger Energy Chews (eaten between miles 6 and 8) and I think that made a huge difference.
There were lots of runners out today. Not only from our club but just in general. I suppose it is getting to be that time of year. Spring is tantalizing us and almost all the snow from our blizzard has melted. As long as my shin continues to behave on runs I'm looking forward to more running in this spring-like weather for as long as it lasts.
P.S. In case you didn't notice, I installed a new commenting system that should make it easier for you to leave comments. Try it out!
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