Last night was one of those nights when I wished I had trained for a marathon last summer.
Last summer was nice and cool. Last summer wasn't nearly as humid. Last summer didn't have hordes of mosquitoes.
But, alas, I put off the big, bad marathon for one more year now have to train in 80+ degrees with 70% humidity. Last night the sun couldn't even be decent enough to stay behind the clouds. Thank goodness for trees!
So I ran 8 miles and when I was finished I looked like I'd jumped in a swimming pool. I WISH I'd jumped in a swimming pool.
The first 4 miles I attempted to hit my tempo pace of 9:30. As always, I went out too fast and with the heat it was quite a struggle. One of my "injured" running buddies, Anne, decided she would "try and keep up with me". Yeah, guess who was pulling who? I'd say she's definitely back in running form.
Speaking of running form, last night our run was "sponsored" by Nike. The rep brought some Nike LunarGlide+2 shoes for us to try. I tried them on in the store but, like other running shoes, the arch support hit me way too far back on my foot. It felt like there was a golf ball digging into the inside bottom of my heel. Weird. I opted not to wear them for the run.
During the second half of the run I met up with Maribeth and a new runner. He was running his first ever 8 miles and he was doing really well! Maribeth was doing a recovery run so I ended up slowing down for this half of the run so I could run with them. I didn't mind, though. That heat and humidity was brutal! Also, my quads were protesting and the blister on my toe was aching. I guess the 14 miles I did on Saturday took more out of me than I realized.
One of the other downsides to running in the heat? When I get home I'm not really hungry because of how much water I've chugged. Which means I have a difficult time choking down dinner and then end up STARVING for most of the next day. Here's hoping the leftover fried rice I just ate for lunch will hold me over until I get home.
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Posted from bimactive.com |
My boyfriend did less than a 2 mile jaunt down to return a DVD. He came back looking like he also got out from a swimming pool!
seriously when is the heat gonna break. it's sooo hot here. nice job with your run. and cool you got to try the lunarglides. i've been curious about them. i love nike. but i hated the free's.
This humidity is so miserable. I seriously felt like I needed to chew the air before breathing when I was out at 5:15 this morning. My dog pooped out at 1.5 miles which is about half the distance I usually take him!
I ran in a pair of Luna Glides a while back during a Fleet Feet run and I HATED them. My feet and shins where pissed at me the next day. Of course, as a general rule, I hate Nike's.
That mosquito article was interesting. As I was reading it, I wondered about the storms we had two nights ago... sounds like we are going to get hit again. Yuck.
I kind of wish I would have been able to train last summer too, but really, I love summers to be hot because I like going to the river.
I have the same issue with not being hungry then going to bed hungry because I couldn't eat. We have to force ourselves to eat!
Good lord I cannot imagine running in this humidity. THat would be SO uncomfortable. Sometimes I love being that hot and sweaty but it's so gross at the same time.
Ugh. Humidity. I ran yesterday and was drenched by the end. I didn' even care when it started to rain while I was stretching.
I'm not a fan of the LunarGlides either, though I might get a pair as gym/XT shoes.
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