Because I am apparently a masochist, I went to track last night in what felt like a sauna.
And because I've decided that when running in a sauna you need to throw modesty out the window, I ran in the least amount of clothes that you can legally wear in public.
Okay, not really. I didn't run in a swim suit. But it was pretty close. I ran in this:

And I was not ashamed.
The little breeze that there was felt really good against my bare skin. Also, I think that it subconsciously helped my form. Have to keep that torso straight lest my stomach hang out!
Actually, while doing our warm-up strides, our substitute coach's substitute coach asked me if I ran in high school or college. I sputtered out a "No" and told him I've only been running almost 3 years. "Well, you have really nice form," he told me.
Woo hoo!
That really nice form and my nearly nakedness helped to make this a good track workout. Of course, having Maribeth to help me keep my pace contributed, too. We did a new ladder-ish workout that I really liked. Two 400s, two 800s, one 1600, two more 800s and then 2 final 400s.
I think this may possibly the most even splits I've ever run at a track workout.
400 - 1:56
400 jog
400 - 1:59
400 jog
800 - 4:12
400 jog
800 - 4:14
400 jog
1600 - 8:41
400 walk
800 - 4:16
400 jog
800 - 4:13
400 walk
400 - 1:58
400 jog
400 - 1:47
Take that, heat and humidity! Actually, one the sun drops low enough in the sky to be behind some trees the track isn't quite as hot.
Now, if only I could figure out how to run in so few clothes but still wear my fuel belt. I can only picture major chafe-age. But I might need to figure out something for my 16 mile run this weekend. Longest run ever during one of the hottest and humid-est weeks ever? Wish me luck!
I hear the heat in chicago has been really crazy this year. Good luck on that run!!
Good luck Erin!
Dude I don't blame you. If I was that hot and it was that humid out, I would wear the same thing. And I am NOT rail thin or anything but when you're that hot, you have to do it!
Ooh, what a nice compliment about your form!
And lady, I bet you were rocking the compression shorts+sports bra look. I wish I could do that!
I wish I was slim like you so I could go shirtless! Maybe next year! :) (that was my goal for this summer... oops)
And like Mica said, awesome compliment on your form! You're a natural :)
After our little 4x400s workout, this one scares me. You make it sound so easy - you are doing awesome.
Good luck tomorrow! Have fun! (And like I said yesterday, you need a water boy (mine is Steven - well, I still wore my belt and he grabbed the bottles when they fell, but he carried extra water) - then you can run without the belt!).
It is so hot, I would even consider running outside naked! Not really (what a sight), but I have been tempted to do the sports bra thing, too. Your splits ROCK! I hope your 16 miler went well this weekend...fingers crossed for some cooler weather soon (at least on Saturdays/Sundays)!
And thanks for the book recommendation...I do LOVE murder mysteries, so I'm going to see if my library has that!
Love that top. I have often dreamed about running in something like that in this heat advisory haha. Those splits are awesome so maybe being cooler is just one of the plus sides, ha. That's so funny about better form when sucking your stomach in, I do that in really tight running shirts, haha, it's SO true.
Good work, Erin
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