I can sum up last night's track workout in two words: Holy crap.
Was it hard? Yes. Did I kick its ass? Hell yes!
Check it out:
Half mile warm-up
Mile 1 - 8:09
1:00 rest
Mile 2 - 8:01
Full recovery
Mile 3 - 8:05
1:00 rest
Mile 4 - 8:10
Full recovery
1st 400 - 1:50
30 second rest
2nd 400 - 1:45
Full recovery
3rd 400 - 1:52
30 second rest
4th 400 - 1:43 (new 400 PR!)
Our regular coach is back and with him he brought back the mile repeats. I wasn't sure how I'd do considering it's been awhile since we've done mile repeats and it was my third day in a row of running.
But I pushed it hard. And that's AFTER riding my bike 3 miles to the track. My splits were super consistent and I wasn't even pacing off Maribeth. Nope, that pacing is all me. At the end, though, one of the guys was right on my heels. I think he shouted something like "Come on, Erin!" and that gave me the umph to push it even harder. And what's strange is after we caught our breath we looked at each other and were like "I didn't think we were going THAT fast!"
It wasn't easy, though. My quads and glutes were on fire and at one point I thought to myself that if I was running alone I would be walking. But I wasn't so I didn't. Although my bike ride home was done at a leisurely 9MPH.
So what made the difference last night? The lack of humidity? The fact that I was coming off two days of remembering how to push myself? Wanting to show off how speedy I've gotten while our coach has been gone? The warm-up bike ride? That I went to the gym at 8PM instead of 6:30PM on Wednesday? I wish I knew. Cause if I did I would bottle it and pull it out when I needed the speed.
Erin, you are just speedy. There is nothing special about last night (that caused you to do so well). You're just kicking ass!
That sounds like a fun workout. Wonder if I could consider my running partner to do it. Ha.
Great work! It seems like people who do these coached track works outs really have them pay off. hmmm.... :)
Holy crap! That is fast!! It has to make you feel SO good to have a run like that. I'm with Kim...I think you are just speedy and that is just that. :-)
Nice job!!! Glad to hear you made that track your b*tch. I can't wait to hear how the run went now that it's warmed up again!
omg EPIC track workout! 4 mile repeats and THEN 400s??? you have seriously built up a mileage base and have topped it off with speed work. go you!!! and new 400 PR. keep pushing!!!!!!!!!!!! (and your title brought me wayyy back to the 1st christina aguilera hit!!)
Nice track workout! Check out the speedy mile splits! I love your dedication to track workouts. It makes me feel simultaneously motivated and bad about myself since I avoid the track at all costs.
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