A story of going from being a non-runner to planning for a marathon in three years...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Weekly Workout Wround Up

June 27 - July 3

June 27

5.5 miles. You know, the usual.

June 28

Ugh. Nothing. I thought I was going to ride my bike to my running club board meeting but then Jason came home with my car and it just seemed easier, logistically, to drive.

And I didn't run at lunch because my left knee was bothering me and I had a meeting that ran late.

June 29

4.1 miles at the track.

June 30

Another nothing day, but I planned for this one. I knew I wouldn't be running at lunch or working out after work. Instead I attended a going away/birthday party for a coworker who is moving to California.

July 1

Friday I tried something new! Last summer one of the guys who acted as a subsitute coach for our speedwork sessions invited me to go bike riding with him and some other people. They ride the almost 10 miles from our suburb to downtown Chicago and then turn around and come back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Since I work in downtown Chicago I figured I could ride down there with them and then take the train home.

For various reasons I can only do this on Fridays in the summer and last summer it never worked out. But this Friday it did! I met up with them at 6:30 AM and we did a nice leisurely ride through the west side of Chicago. One of the riders calls the route "The Big Ugly" because it goes through some not-so-great parts of town but it's generally an easy ride.

Bike Ride to Work by snmnstrz21 at Garmin Connect - Details

The not-so-easy part? Figuring out what to do with my bike once I got to work! I thought I'd just store it in my office since I didn't feel comfortable locking it up outside. Turns out bikes aren't allowed in the buildings at the university where I work. I managed to convince security to let me in with it anyway since I didn't think to bring my bike lock. Then I had to sneak out through the attached sandwich place after work! Crazy.

July 2

Goal? Run 10 miles. Outcome? Ran approximately 9 miles and walked another .8. It was so hot outside! And that's with starting my run at 7:00 AM. When I got home I stood in the kitchen with sweat running off of me. My clothes were so soaked it felt like I'd stood in the rain.

OPRC Saturday Morning Run by snmnstrz21 at Garmin Connect - Details

You know it's miserable outside when the hardcore runners (as in, the people who do Ironmans!) are walking instead of running. It was rough. I don't even care that my pace was slower than usual. I'm officially marathon training and I'm supposed to be running slow anyway. Yeah, that's it.

July 3

Rest day! I slept in (glorious) and did some errands. And then had an adventure in the evening. But I'll save that for my Four on the Fourth Race Report tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Total running mileage: 19.48
Biking mileage: 9.62
Strength workouts: 0