Amazing the difference a few days or weeks can make. Last night I ran 8 miles with the running group. Thankfully the roads we ran on were not flooded. However, it was amazing to run through the neighborhoods and see all the belongings from people's basements now piled on the curb. It wasn't just our basement that flooded.
The lack of water wasn't the only difference. The weather was actually spectacular. Lower humidity, lower air temperature, not quite as sunny. Gorgeous. Originally I thought I'd run my 8 miles at a nice, easy 10 minute/mile pace. But the weather was good, the company was good, and I felt good. So instead I pushed myself a little harder. It was supposed to be a tempo run after all.
We stopped for a short Gatorade break at mile 4 and when arrived back at our starting point we got talked into going for gelato!
Hey, one of the perks of being a running adult is that you can eat your dessert before you eat your dinner and not feel guilty about it. Right?
Anyway, I had mango gelato and it was lovely. Big shout out to the gal who recently moved to the area and is making friends by bribing us with ice cream.
Overall it was a great run and exactly what I needed after spending all day hauling water damaged stuff out of our basement. I *almost* skipped running due to exhaustion but I'm so glad I didn't. And let me tell you, that shower I finally got to take when I got home and learned our water heater was working again? Priceless.
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Posted from bimactive.com |
that flooding was crazy..i hope insurance will cover you...we flooded about 5 years ago and it was a mess...not fun at all..
I just saw that our street cleaning was canceled because the city needs all of the trucks to help with areas that flooded. We didnt get it at all, but I feel for you. Congrats on the run, and the hot shower!!!!!
Wait stopping for gelato on a running group? Best group ever. Tonight and tomorrow may be hot runs but then it'll get nice and cool again!
would you believe i've never had gelato??
glad you had a good run! and ahhhh showers are amazing.
Sounds like a great run! Good job!
Great run! I wouldn't have felt like doing it after all the work you had to do Monday either. I bet it was nice to get out of the house though :)
Nice tempo! That's a really solid run right there, for sure! Even better that you had gelato afterwards. I bet mango was delicious!
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