My main goals for this year were to do something active every day that I can and figure out what to do about this stupid hip.
And how’s that going six months into the year?
Well, I’m definitely doing as much as possible. Although, this morning when I woke up before my alarm I thought, “If I’m going to keep waking up before I have to, maybe I should start working out before work.”
And then promptly went back to sleep.
Seriously, though, ever since we moved I’ve been waking up way before my alarm. I wish I could find some morning workout buddies to keep me accountable. Without them I’m much more inclined to roll over and go back to sleep.
When I do manage to do things, it’s either a strength workout, a bike ride, or a run. I still haven’t managed to get to the pool. Still terrified of lane sharing. I’ve GOT to get over that. I wish I had some swim buddies, too.
Anyway, I rode my bike downtown and back on Saturday to visit Kim who was manning the Fake Meats booth at the first ever Chicago Veggie Pride Parade.
However, my bike now has its first ever flat tire. Time to put my REI membership to good use and get a discount on a bike tune-up and flat fix. I’ve read too many horror stories of people trying to change their own bike tubes to try it myself! I’ll just pay someone to do it for now.
On Sunday I didn’t get in a workout but I did promote running! It was a weekend of booths. Sunday I set-up and staffed the booth for my running club at a village event.
We got some interest but also a lot of people who gave us the side eye and said “I don’t run!” or “I could never run!” Seriously? That may be true but don’t you think it’s weird you need to comment?
Monday night I had to take all the stuff pictured above back to our storage area in Oak Park so I took the opportunity to run with the club. A nice, steady 5.5 miles. Although my hip was a tad sore afterward.
And speaking of my hip, I have a follow-up appointment with the doc who recommended PT on Thursday. We’ll see what he has to say since PT didn’t seem to be making a HUGE difference.
In the mean time, I’ve got an ART appointment tonight. Maybe some strength training or a quick run (it IS National Running Day, after all) afterward. We’ll see.